Team Devotions
One Among Friends

In business, great achievements are generally the result of effective teams. The person who tries to stand alone will quickly lose strength and enthusiasm. Even Jesus, though he was God and could have done everything by himself, chose to gather a group of key followers to help him carry out his earthly ministry and to keep him company along the way.
Bible Passage
Again I saw something meaningless under the sun:
There was a man all alone; he had neither son nor brother. There was no end to his toil, yet his eyes were not content with his wealth, "For whom am I toiling," he asked, "and why am I depriving myself of enjoyment?" This too is meaningless-a miserable business!
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work:
If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
I depend on the leadership team at our church. An important part of our meetings is the sharing of our needs. I feel I must lead the way, since my vulnerability will give permission to others to be honest. Often, I'll open our sharing with a confession of need or a problem I'm facing. After someone has shared, we pray for him or her.
We maximize the joys together, too, and that's important to keep one's enthusiasm alive. The test of friendship is that you can share the great things that have happened as well as the frustrating ones. Lots of people are happy to share your failures with you, but it takes a great friend to listen to victories and say, "Isn't it wonderful? Let's rejoice together."
I couldn't handle the demands I have on me if it weren't for a healing center of fellowship in which I can be absolutely open and honest, be loved and challenged, and then be prayed for as a brother.
–Lloyd John Ogilvie
Character Check
What is the next step I should take to move that friendship forward?
Something to Think About
We love those who know the worst of us and don't turn their faces away.
–Walker Percy
Go Deeper
Is your team unified? What does it really mean to have a unified team? In this resource, Larry Osborne and other leadership experts help you understand what it means to function as a unified team and implement practices that will bring your team together for more effective ministry.