Howard Head was frustrated with the clumsy, hickory snow skis he used when he hit the slopes. So he designed new skis with two layers of aluminum, plywood sidewalls, and a center filled with honeycombed plastic. He excitedly tried them out on the slopes, but they broke. So he made a second pair. They broke, too—as did the third pair. Howard Head went through forty versions of skis over three years. Finally, in 1950 he came up with a design that worked, and his sporting equipment is known worldwide today.
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I believe God honors many poor people who don't give a tenth, because what they do give is a sacrificial amount in relationship to what they earn. Similarly, for many wealthy people, giving a tenth is a way of robbing God. Their tithe becomes a tip.
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I did not have a burning-bush experience like many I know. I just grew up having faith from as far back as I can remember. But my faith was deeply shaken and challenged in my early thirties as a result of an accident and a string of losses, all in a two-year time frame.
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On September 6, 1622, the Spanish galleon Atocha, bristling with bronze cannons and laden with gold and silver, served as the rear guard of a 28-vessel flotilla in the Gulf of Mexico. A hurricane struck, and the Atocha sank near the Marquesas Keys off the Florida coast, where she remained for 365 years.
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We had been hiking all day in the mountains of the Czech Republic, and around three o'clock, with our camp nowhere in sight, we all felt tired and cranky. There were about fifteen of us—leaders and high school students from a summer evangelistic camp. The sun burned brightly in the afternoon light, and the sweat dried on our faces and necks, leaving a crusty feeling. We had reached the stage of the hike I dreaded—feeling overcome by a numbing weariness and lacking strength just to put one heavy foot in front of the other.
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