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Ministering to Children of Divorce
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All too often the response given to parents choosing a divorce is, "Don't worry about your children. They're resilient; they will get through it." However, studies have shown that a divorce has profound effects on a child developmentally, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. Even more disturbing is that the greatest effect of a divorce may not be felt until children of divorce become adults. Simply put, this is not a one-time occurrence that a child deals with and then moves on. This is a life-altering event with painful, long-term outcomes.
But there is Good News! God can redeem even the most tragic and seemingly hopeless situations. Through the information and practical help offered in this 18-page resource, you'll learn how to develop a ministry to children of divorce and help both parents and children alike find hope and healing in Christ.
Table of Contents:
No Such Thing as a Good Divorce
We need to own up to the long-term impact divorce has on children.
Amy O'Brien
Ministering to Part-Time Kids
What do you do when kids miss church because they're visiting the other parent?
Brian Dykes
As If They Never Existed
When parents divorce, a child's core identity is threatened.
Amy O'Brien
Common Emotions and Reactions
What to watch for as you seek to minister.
Wayne Stocks
Faith Through the Lens of Divorce
Addressing spiritual issues related to children of divorce.
interview with Elizabeth Marquardt
A Program That Meets Their Needs
Ministering to children in crisis within your children's program.
Amy O'Brien
But there is Good News! God can redeem even the most tragic and seemingly hopeless situations. Through the information and practical help offered in this 18-page resource, you'll learn how to develop a ministry to children of divorce and help both parents and children alike find hope and healing in Christ.
Table of Contents:
No Such Thing as a Good Divorce
We need to own up to the long-term impact divorce has on children.
Amy O'Brien
Ministering to Part-Time Kids
What do you do when kids miss church because they're visiting the other parent?
Brian Dykes
As If They Never Existed
When parents divorce, a child's core identity is threatened.
Amy O'Brien
Common Emotions and Reactions
What to watch for as you seek to minister.
Wayne Stocks
Faith Through the Lens of Divorce
Addressing spiritual issues related to children of divorce.
interview with Elizabeth Marquardt
A Program That Meets Their Needs
Ministering to children in crisis within your children's program.
Amy O'Brien
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