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Usher/Greeter Orientation Guide
Develop a better understanding of the duties and roles of a church usher/greeter with this training tool. Consider the biblical background of the role, what is at work when the offering occurs, the importance of welcoming guests, and strategies for keeping your church safe.
Table of Contents:
A High, Humble Calling
Helping others worship is an ancient form of God-honoring service.
Chris Blumhofer
Greeting as Ministry
How the usher/greeter's role fits into the ministry of the church.
Charles Arn
When Everyone is a Greeter
Train your entire church in the art and importance of greeting.
Daniel Brown
My First Sunday in Your Church
Ushers and greeters can learn a lot when they see themselves from the outside.
Jennifer Smith-Morris
The Art of Hosting
The importance of hosting guests, rather than greeting visitors.
Charles Arn
Sample Job Description
Modify this form to create clarity in roles and responsibilities at your church
10 Questions Every Usher Should Ask
Are you attending to all of the aspects of your role?
Your Church Safety Alert
Understanding the Offering
What's really happening at the usher's most visible moment.
Mark Galli
Urgent Ushering
What to do when serious situations occur during a service.
John Throop
Preventing Violence at Church
A police officer's advice on how to prevent, and react to, the unthinkable
Andrew G. Mills
Prayer List
Table of Contents:
A High, Humble Calling
Helping others worship is an ancient form of God-honoring service.
Chris Blumhofer
Greeting as Ministry
How the usher/greeter's role fits into the ministry of the church.
Charles Arn
When Everyone is a Greeter
Train your entire church in the art and importance of greeting.
Daniel Brown
My First Sunday in Your Church
Ushers and greeters can learn a lot when they see themselves from the outside.
Jennifer Smith-Morris
The Art of Hosting
The importance of hosting guests, rather than greeting visitors.
Charles Arn
Sample Job Description
Modify this form to create clarity in roles and responsibilities at your church
10 Questions Every Usher Should Ask
Are you attending to all of the aspects of your role?
Your Church Safety Alert
Understanding the Offering
What's really happening at the usher's most visible moment.
Mark Galli
Urgent Ushering
What to do when serious situations occur during a service.
John Throop
Preventing Violence at Church
A police officer's advice on how to prevent, and react to, the unthinkable
Andrew G. Mills
Prayer List
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