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Cultivating a Positive Church Culture
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In ministry work, it's easy to get bogged down by numbers and results and lose sight of the individuals behind the committees and boards. But a positive church culture is one that nurtures the gifts of individuals so they can best serve the body without getting burned out.
This 34-page resource will help you evaluate your church's or ministry's current culture and make changes that will benefit your staff, your ministry team, and the entire church.
Table of Contents:
Creating a Positive Culture (free sample)
Strive to build confidence and self-esteem in your people.
Bill Nicoson
Ministry Team Diagnostics
How to avoid the five most common dysfunctions of a ministry team.
Nancy Ortberg
Leading a Holistic Church Staff
Positive and healthy leaders focus on developing the giftedness of each person they lead.
David R. Fletcher
Turning Committees Into Community
Secrets to helping people actually enjoy committee and board assignments.
Roberta Hestenes
Overseeing Your Team
We must constantly remind ourselves that we're here to help other people succeed. It's in their success that we experience success.
Don Cousins
The Mixed-Gender Team
How men and women can work in sync.
Sarah Sumner
Be True to Your Church's DNA
Each church has a unique make-up that's essential to its life, health, and future.
Kevin G. Ford
This 34-page resource will help you evaluate your church's or ministry's current culture and make changes that will benefit your staff, your ministry team, and the entire church.
Table of Contents:
Creating a Positive Culture (free sample)
Strive to build confidence and self-esteem in your people.
Bill Nicoson
Ministry Team Diagnostics
How to avoid the five most common dysfunctions of a ministry team.
Nancy Ortberg
Leading a Holistic Church Staff
Positive and healthy leaders focus on developing the giftedness of each person they lead.
David R. Fletcher
Turning Committees Into Community
Secrets to helping people actually enjoy committee and board assignments.
Roberta Hestenes
Overseeing Your Team
We must constantly remind ourselves that we're here to help other people succeed. It's in their success that we experience success.
Don Cousins
The Mixed-Gender Team
How men and women can work in sync.
Sarah Sumner
Be True to Your Church's DNA
Each church has a unique make-up that's essential to its life, health, and future.
Kevin G. Ford
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