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Character of a Leader
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This theme begins with the riveting interview on integrity with Chuck Swindoll, veteran pastor and seminary president. Also, find a devotional from Bill Hybels, pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, as he discusses the dangers of "spiritual vitality."
Table of Contents:
What Is My Character as a Leader?
8 questions to answer
Dave Goetz
Am I an Ethical Leader?
How to set up safeguards.
Archibald Hart
Conducting a Spiritual Audit
12 questions to keep your personal accounts in order.
Fred Smith
Am I Prepared for Difficulty?
4 character traits for tough times
James D. Berkley
Hope for the Dry Times
Can you still lead when you don't feel spiritual?
James D. Berkley
The Awkward Nominee
When should leaders speak up?
Larry Osborne
Everyone Needs Accountability
Why the small things matter.
Bill Hybels
How Pure Must a Church Leader Be?
Becoming a person of integrity
with Chuck Swindoll
Character the Old-Fashioned Way
Six ways to grow as a Christian leader.
Fred Smith
Table of Contents:
What Is My Character as a Leader?
8 questions to answer
Dave Goetz
Am I an Ethical Leader?
How to set up safeguards.
Archibald Hart
Conducting a Spiritual Audit
12 questions to keep your personal accounts in order.
Fred Smith
Am I Prepared for Difficulty?
4 character traits for tough times
James D. Berkley
Hope for the Dry Times
Can you still lead when you don't feel spiritual?
James D. Berkley
The Awkward Nominee
When should leaders speak up?
Larry Osborne
Everyone Needs Accountability
Why the small things matter.
Bill Hybels
How Pure Must a Church Leader Be?
Becoming a person of integrity
with Chuck Swindoll
Character the Old-Fashioned Way
Six ways to grow as a Christian leader.
Fred Smith
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