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Counseling Toward Repentance
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People and situations do not determine our behavior, says Paul Tripp in this resource. "They provide the occasion where our behavior reveals our hearts." So often we blame everything in a situation except ourselves. We don't deal with the sin in our own heart. When counseling others, then, either formally or in a day-to-day conversation, it is crucial to help them see their own hearts.
This 22-page resource is filled with valuable guidance. Discover the heart-revealing questions you can ask, the things you should listen for, and the ways in which you can help that person move in the right direction. You'll be challenged to examine yourself just as carefully.
Table of Contents:
The Heart Is the Target (free sample)
Start where life change starts.
Paul David Tripp
Confrontation that Brings Change
Help the person discover what God wants him or her to see, and go from there.
Paul David Tripp
Illustrative Counseling
Use images from people's own lives and Scripture to flesh out your counsel.
David Powlison
The Masks of Spiritual Blindness
How are people blinded to their own sin?
Paul David Tripp
Locating and Exposing Spiritual Blindness
What to listen for, what to try to accomplish.
Paul David Tripp
What a Rebuke Is
Consider these qualities, and these principles to follow.
Gordon MacDonald
When You Need to Confront
Suggestions for a difficult task.
Daniel Brown
Three Ways to Bring About Repentance
Luther, Wesley, and Moody give us models to follow.
Lyle Dorsett
Church Discipline for Repetitive Sin
How do you work pastorally with people who are likely to fall again?
Kevin Miller
This 22-page resource is filled with valuable guidance. Discover the heart-revealing questions you can ask, the things you should listen for, and the ways in which you can help that person move in the right direction. You'll be challenged to examine yourself just as carefully.
Table of Contents:
The Heart Is the Target (free sample)
Start where life change starts.
Paul David Tripp
Confrontation that Brings Change
Help the person discover what God wants him or her to see, and go from there.
Paul David Tripp
Illustrative Counseling
Use images from people's own lives and Scripture to flesh out your counsel.
David Powlison
The Masks of Spiritual Blindness
How are people blinded to their own sin?
Paul David Tripp
Locating and Exposing Spiritual Blindness
What to listen for, what to try to accomplish.
Paul David Tripp
What a Rebuke Is
Consider these qualities, and these principles to follow.
Gordon MacDonald
When You Need to Confront
Suggestions for a difficult task.
Daniel Brown
Three Ways to Bring About Repentance
Luther, Wesley, and Moody give us models to follow.
Lyle Dorsett
Church Discipline for Repetitive Sin
How do you work pastorally with people who are likely to fall again?
Kevin Miller
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