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Volunteer Development
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Unpaid workers in the church, while often the lifeblood of ministry, may not get the proper training and direction they need. This theme helps ministry leaders make the most of their volunteer staff. It teaches leaders how to motivate, train, and encourage people as they serve in volunteer ministry. In an interview, Bruce Bugbee, president of Network Ministries, discusses the importance of calling and that a primary task of leaders is to help people in the church find fulfillment through calling. Church work becomes meaningful by helping people find where they serve best.
Table of Contents:
Bringing Out Their Best
What the Bible can teach us about motivating people to minister.
Gary Wilde
The Right People in the Right Places
The solution is not to recruit harder.
with Bruce Bugbee
3 Myths about Christian Service
The misconceptions and the reality of helping people in need.
Derek Perkins and Rudy Carrasco
In Pursuit of the Perfect Training
5 proven principles from churches that train people well.
Terry Muck
Your Ministry: An Update
Use this helpful tool to assess your involvement in Christian service.
Eric Reed
More Slots Than Workers
How do you handle chronic ministry vacancies?
Eddy Hall
3 Ways to Get People Involved
The secret is encouraging people that they can truly minister.
Bruce Larson
How to Write a Ministry Job Description
The amazing power of a simple tool.
Betsy Humphreys
Keys to Long-term Successful Service
4 biblical principles to keep people serving well.
Robert J. Morgan
Declaring and Owning Your Strengths
Allowing others to affirm and support you as you minister.
Robert J. Morgan
Reluctant no More
Helping people who may hesitate to serve.
Noble Volunteer or Humble Slave?
The rules change when you go to work for God.
Ben Patterson
Table of Contents:
Bringing Out Their Best
What the Bible can teach us about motivating people to minister.
Gary Wilde
The Right People in the Right Places
The solution is not to recruit harder.
with Bruce Bugbee
3 Myths about Christian Service
The misconceptions and the reality of helping people in need.
Derek Perkins and Rudy Carrasco
In Pursuit of the Perfect Training
5 proven principles from churches that train people well.
Terry Muck
Your Ministry: An Update
Use this helpful tool to assess your involvement in Christian service.
Eric Reed
More Slots Than Workers
How do you handle chronic ministry vacancies?
Eddy Hall
3 Ways to Get People Involved
The secret is encouraging people that they can truly minister.
Bruce Larson
How to Write a Ministry Job Description
The amazing power of a simple tool.
Betsy Humphreys
Keys to Long-term Successful Service
4 biblical principles to keep people serving well.
Robert J. Morgan
Declaring and Owning Your Strengths
Allowing others to affirm and support you as you minister.
Robert J. Morgan
Reluctant no More
Helping people who may hesitate to serve.
Noble Volunteer or Humble Slave?
The rules change when you go to work for God.
Ben Patterson
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