Adult Education



$ 14.99
You want your church to build up faithful followers of Jesus Christ, and education directors, teachers, and Bible study leaders take an integral role in doing this. These practical and succinct handouts are helpful in teaching your leaders how to do so. You'll find help in understanding the unique educational needs of adults, keeping a discussion lively and on the topic, and teaching both experienced and newborn Christians.

Table of Contents:

They Are Not Children
Teach adults in a way that recognizes their unique learning qualities.
Roberta Hestenes

Teaching So Adults Listen
Adults want information they can apply to their lives right now.
Roberta Hestenes

Teaching That Motivates
Relevance and humility help adult students identify with you.
Howard Hendricks

Understanding Adult Age Groupings
Each stage of adulthood has unique life circumstances to consider.
Kenneth O. Gangel

A Welcoming Adult Class
Build on a newcomer's desire to be involved.
Don Michael McDonald

Develop the Discussion
After you have started the discussion, use these techniques to keep the ball rolling.
Emory A. Griffin

Baby Lambs and Old Sheep
Learn how to teach mature Christians and new believers in the same class.
Earl Palmer

Plan the Curriculum
Carefully prepare an educational experience based on needs and interests.
James C. Galvin and David R. Veerman

$ 14.99

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