Assessment Pack: Reaching the Changing Culture



$ 9.99
This pack features 6 quality assessment tools from the Unity in Diversity, Trends & Culture, Becoming Outward-Focused, and Connecting Newcomers Training Themes. To reach your community, you need to understand those around you. What are their needs? Struggles? Theology? Use these handouts with your team to think about how your community is changing and what adjustments you need to make to connect them into your congregation. Each assessment conveniently fits on one page, so they're easy to print, copy, and hand out.

Table of Contents:

Tuning in to New People
We need to hear people to be able to minister to them.
Kori Leaman-Miller

Welcoming Singles in the Family
Do we recognize those outside a traditional family unit?
Susan Kikaido

Putting Hay Where the Goats Can Get It
Four ways churches can respond to a changing community.
John Ortberg, Jr.

Four Trends Affecting Churches
Finding direction in times of change.
Lyle Schaller

Churches That Reach Out
Seven characteristics of outreach effectiveness.
James Berkley

Making It Official
Why joining a church makes biblical sense.
Bob Putman and Herbert Hage

$ 9.99

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