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Erase Your Church's Red Ink
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What happens when a church experiences a financial downturn? What exactly does ministry mean when a church faces a fiscal crisis, whether moderate or severe, and what's the pastor's responsibility?
These seven articles help you know what to do when financial strain hits. You'll learn money saving strategies, tips for getting the right loan, and advice on how to bring in money.
Table of Contents:
The Coffer Crunch
What happens to ministry when money is in short supply?
A Leadership Interview
Preaching That Promotes Giving
Proclaiming the truth of the Bible means talking about money.
Joseph M. Stowell
Tight Money Strategies
Six ways to balance when the budget goes red.
Stephen B. Box
Crunch Time
Tips on collecting pledges, funding emergencies, and financial integrity.
Richard Shaw
Strapped for Cash?
Ideas for helping your church raise the money it needs.
Marlene Heller
Tips for Getting the Right Loan
Six important steps for your church when it needs to borrow.
Chuck Clynes
Paying Less for the Same Items
A savvy church can save money by purchasing what it needs for less.
the editors of Leadership
These seven articles help you know what to do when financial strain hits. You'll learn money saving strategies, tips for getting the right loan, and advice on how to bring in money.
Table of Contents:
The Coffer Crunch
What happens to ministry when money is in short supply?
A Leadership Interview
Preaching That Promotes Giving
Proclaiming the truth of the Bible means talking about money.
Joseph M. Stowell
Tight Money Strategies
Six ways to balance when the budget goes red.
Stephen B. Box
Crunch Time
Tips on collecting pledges, funding emergencies, and financial integrity.
Richard Shaw
Strapped for Cash?
Ideas for helping your church raise the money it needs.
Marlene Heller
Tips for Getting the Right Loan
Six important steps for your church when it needs to borrow.
Chuck Clynes
Paying Less for the Same Items
A savvy church can save money by purchasing what it needs for less.
the editors of Leadership
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