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Strengthening Small Churches
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This is an innovative resource that will help you develop leaders who can think strategically and biblically about the small church.
Table of Contents:
Unconditional Commitment in the Small Church
Don't underestimate what God can do with seemingly insignificant tools.
H.B. London Jr. and Neil B. Wiseman
The Small Church as Family
Love the opportunities--and limitations--that come with smaller congregations.
John Koessler
An Opportunity for Excellence
By their very nature, small churches meet vital needs for communities--and the kingdom
James L. Killen Jr.
Reframing Small-Church Success
Six ways small-church leaders can see whether they're staying on track.
Loren Seibold
The Power of Partnership
One small church, working with community groups, found ways to make big differences.
Chuck Warnock
Big Ambitions, Small Church
Worldly standards can cloud the important calling of leading small churches.
Jeff Schirle
It's Not My Job
A willingness to do the little things well opens up big possibilities.
Steve Sjogren
Have You Been 'Discovered'?
How perspective can make small-church leaders more effective.
Dave Goetz
Understanding the Small Church
Relationships and unity are hallmarks of this unique setting.
Glenn C. Daman
Leading in the Small Church
Five vital qualities for leaders to possess
Glenn C. Daman
Making Decisions in the Small Church
Effective ways to implement plans or changes.
Glenn C. Daman
Making the Small Church Visitor-Friendly
Three principles that can create the right atmosphere for any place of worship.
Gary Harrison
Major Ministry on Modest Means
A small budget doesn't have to equate to small impact.
James Stobaugh
Where 20 or 30 Are Gathered ...
Creative worship options that smaller congregations enjoy.
Lisa Stracks
Table of Contents:
Unconditional Commitment in the Small Church
Don't underestimate what God can do with seemingly insignificant tools.
H.B. London Jr. and Neil B. Wiseman
The Small Church as Family
Love the opportunities--and limitations--that come with smaller congregations.
John Koessler
An Opportunity for Excellence
By their very nature, small churches meet vital needs for communities--and the kingdom
James L. Killen Jr.
Reframing Small-Church Success
Six ways small-church leaders can see whether they're staying on track.
Loren Seibold
The Power of Partnership
One small church, working with community groups, found ways to make big differences.
Chuck Warnock
Big Ambitions, Small Church
Worldly standards can cloud the important calling of leading small churches.
Jeff Schirle
It's Not My Job
A willingness to do the little things well opens up big possibilities.
Steve Sjogren
Have You Been 'Discovered'?
How perspective can make small-church leaders more effective.
Dave Goetz
Understanding the Small Church
Relationships and unity are hallmarks of this unique setting.
Glenn C. Daman
Leading in the Small Church
Five vital qualities for leaders to possess
Glenn C. Daman
Making Decisions in the Small Church
Effective ways to implement plans or changes.
Glenn C. Daman
Making the Small Church Visitor-Friendly
Three principles that can create the right atmosphere for any place of worship.
Gary Harrison
Major Ministry on Modest Means
A small budget doesn't have to equate to small impact.
James Stobaugh
Where 20 or 30 Are Gathered ...
Creative worship options that smaller congregations enjoy.
Lisa Stracks
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