Caring for Church Workers
The greatest thing you can give is permission--permission to be engaged, to go forward, to fail, to succeed, and even to make you jealous, says Doug Fagerstrom in the resource below. Fagerstrom is talking about what a church worker needs. So often we fail to give our staff and volunteers the proper support, in whatever shape it must take.
This 17-page resource can help your church step up the care it provides for its workers. Inside are a variety of handouts, assessments, devotionals, how-to articles, a case study, and more, you can distribute among your team.
Table of Contents:
Continuous Care
Equip your workers with a blueprint to win a series of victories in ministry.
by Michelle L. Rayburn and JoHannah Reardon
The Keys: Permission and Relationship
Ministry workers need to see open doors to the leader's office and life.
interview with Doug Fagerstrom
Treasuring Our Workers
Support and encouragement are the fuel for the fire of your staff and volunteers.
by Promiseland
They Expect Respect
Gnawing discontent can often be traced back to perceived acts of disrespect.
by Charles W. Christian
Throw Out the Lifeline
How skilled are we at all the ways we can calm the waters that drag workers down?
by Virginia Vagt
Just What Are We Doing, Anyway?
Workers with a clear mission avoid the discouragement and frustration of floundering.
by Nancy Ortberg
Caring Face-to-Face
Leaders pour themselves into the lives of their co-laborers up close and personal.
by Bob Briner and Ray Pritchard
I've Got Your Back
Silence can speak volumes when your workers' reputations are at stake.
by Robert Wolgemuth
What Workers Want
Making a caring connection with your team means walking in their shoes.
by Ted Harro
A Plan For Caring (free sample)
Authentic relationship with church workers requires leaders with a strategy.
by Bruce Larson
Caring Through Relationship
"I want a piece of you" is an opportunity for nurture, and not a threat.
by Wayne Jacobsen
What Do You Need from Me?
Use this activity to provide care for ministry workers through the art of focused listening.
by Angie Ward