Grow and Care for Volunteers



$ 9.99 $ 7.99
NOTE: Due to arrangements with content providers, this tool isn't offered as part of the BCL membership.
Caring for your volunteers and helping them grow will reap great benefits in your children's program. When volunteers experience what it is to be developed and cared for, they will know better how to develop and care for children.

This tool is adapted from "Got Volunteers?," a PromiseLand Conference workshop by Susan Shadid. PromiseLand is a ministry of the Willow Creek Association.

Table of Contents:

Prepare to Grow Your Volunteers
Follow these steps to develop volunteers.
Susan Shadid

Leader?s Foundation Worksheet
Leader?s Foundation Worksheet
Susan Shadid

Discipleship Activity: How to Disciple Your Children?s Ministry Volunteers
Spiritual growth and personal care are forged in the discipleship relationship.
Susan Shadid

No More Lone Rangers
It?s good to know that others know who you are.
Susan Shadid

Becoming a Team
Common goals give us something in common to build on.
Susan Shadid

Becoming a Community
True care begins when ministry teams become ministry communities.
Susan Shadid

$ 9.99 $ 7.99
NOTE: Due to arrangements with content providers, this tool isn't offered as part of the BCL membership.

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