Constitutions and Bylaws



$ 14.99
Writing or revising a constitution and bylaws can be painstaking work because you're trying to do many things: Plan the way you govern your ministry; protect your church from legal intrusions; constructively work through any internal disputes; and put your church in a place to do ministry rather than spin your wheels. This download helps you think through and implement complete documents for your church's governance and organization.

Table of Contents:

A Constitution and Bylaws: To Guide and Protect
Building Church Leaders

Congregational-Style Church Constitution and Bylaws
Building Church Leaders

Generic Presbyterian Church Constitution and Bylaws
Building Church Leaders

Pastor-Centered Church Bylaws
Building Church Leaders

Ethical Guidelines for Christian Living
Building Church Leaders

A Sample Procedure for Biblical Discipline
Building Church Leaders

Biblical Qualifications for Elders
Building Church Leaders

$ 14.99

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