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Cultivating a Culture of Service in Your Church
Are you having trouble finding volunteers to fill all the slots you need to fill? Maybe the problem isn't lazy church members, or poor recruitment tactics. If your church isn't actively creating a culture that values service, many will miss out on the opportunity to share and grow their spiritual gifts with the body of Christ.
This 26-page resource is designed to help you create an atmosphere where service comes naturally and volunteers are encouraged to discover and use their gifts in joyful service.
Table of Contents:
Empowering a New Culture of Service
A ten-step strategy for changing your church.
Gary L. McIntosh
Dreamin' and Teamin'
interview with Wayne Cordeiro
Recruiting Without Guilt
How to ask busy people to volunteer for ministry.
Bill Hybels
A Whole New Attitude
To change a city, we first had to change our church.
Robert Lewis
Building Your All-Volunteer Army
When church workers resist the draft, start enlisting them.
Ken Horton with Al Sibellol
More Slots Than Workers
When positions aren't being filled, it might be time to do some pruning.
Eddy Hall
Christ-Centered Mindset (free sample)
The goal is to grow toward a gifts-based ministry, where people serve out of their gifts and passions.
Sue Mallory
This 26-page resource is designed to help you create an atmosphere where service comes naturally and volunteers are encouraged to discover and use their gifts in joyful service.
Table of Contents:
Empowering a New Culture of Service
A ten-step strategy for changing your church.
Gary L. McIntosh
Dreamin' and Teamin'
interview with Wayne Cordeiro
Recruiting Without Guilt
How to ask busy people to volunteer for ministry.
Bill Hybels
A Whole New Attitude
To change a city, we first had to change our church.
Robert Lewis
Building Your All-Volunteer Army
When church workers resist the draft, start enlisting them.
Ken Horton with Al Sibellol
More Slots Than Workers
When positions aren't being filled, it might be time to do some pruning.
Eddy Hall
Christ-Centered Mindset (free sample)
The goal is to grow toward a gifts-based ministry, where people serve out of their gifts and passions.
Sue Mallory
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