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Dealing with Difficult People
All church leaders encounter difficult people at certain times in their ministry. With these brief and practical handouts, your leaders will be better equipped to handle those in the congregation prone to complaining and stirring up strife. They'll learn about how conflict evolves and how to deal with it; ultimately, relationships within your congregation can be nurtured to build up effective followers of Jesus Christ.
Table of Contents:
Managing Complainers
Addressing complaints head-on can stop potential damage.
Mark Wheeler
Learning Through Criticism
Criticism, although tough to hear, can bring important insight.
Jim Abrahamson
Identifying Critical People
Spotting people with critical attitudes can lessen the damage they cause.
Marshall Shelley
Leading Reluctant Followers
People sometimes need a reason to follow good leaders.
Ben Patterson
Loving Your Enemies
Responding in love to those who oppose you can bear much fruit.
Jay Kesler
Shepherding Those Who Don't Like You
Being at peace with your enemies requires tact and sensitivity.
Gary Preston
Taming the Green-Eyed Monster of Envy
The key is being content with what God has given us.
Charles Cerling, Jr.
Varieties of Religious Strife
Church conflict that is managed early can protect against divisive conflict later.
Speed Leas
Table of Contents:
Managing Complainers
Addressing complaints head-on can stop potential damage.
Mark Wheeler
Learning Through Criticism
Criticism, although tough to hear, can bring important insight.
Jim Abrahamson
Identifying Critical People
Spotting people with critical attitudes can lessen the damage they cause.
Marshall Shelley
Leading Reluctant Followers
People sometimes need a reason to follow good leaders.
Ben Patterson
Loving Your Enemies
Responding in love to those who oppose you can bear much fruit.
Jay Kesler
Shepherding Those Who Don't Like You
Being at peace with your enemies requires tact and sensitivity.
Gary Preston
Taming the Green-Eyed Monster of Envy
The key is being content with what God has given us.
Charles Cerling, Jr.
Varieties of Religious Strife
Church conflict that is managed early can protect against divisive conflict later.
Speed Leas
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