Dealing with Doubt



$ 14.99
When you're responsible for the spiritual guidance of others, admitting doubt can feel like admitting defeat. But doubt is not the enemy of faith. By learning to admit, address, and even embrace the most difficult questions, your ministry can more effectively reach the many who privately wonder the same things.

This 18-page resource is designed to help you address spiritual doubt in your own life and ministry, or to walk alongside another as they struggle with doubt.

Table of Contents:

The Doubter's Road
For many Christians, faith is far from an easy journey.
Jason Boyett

What Doubt Is?And Isn't (free sample)
Doubt isn't always the enemy of faith.
Alister McGrath

When Life Isn't Fair
Innocent and good people suffer. What kind of God would allow that?
Mark Buchanan

Embracing the Questions
Interview with Jason Boyett

God Among the Doubts
It's possible to lead well, even as you grapple with doubt.
Roger Barrier

Hope for the Doubting Leader
Ambiguity is inevitable in ministry, but press on anyway.
Ben Patterson

Strategies for Fending Off Doubt
Cultivate holy practices to minimize the presence of doubt.
Alister McGrath

$ 14.99

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