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Equipping Baby Boomers for Ministry
It has been said that significance is the new capital, meaning it is not enough for people to have arrived at financial security in midlife, note Richard and Leona Bergstrom in this download. "What people really hunger for is to make a significant contribution to the world. Many boomers are asking 'Am I meant to do something more with my life?'" As many baby boomers enter retirement and find themselves with more time on their hands, how is your church challenging and equipping them to best use their unique ministry gifts and talents?
This 11-page resource is designed to help you minister more effectively to a generation whose needs are rapidly changing.
Table of Contents:
Avoiding the Seniors Ministry Syndrome
Baby boomers are a unique generation that requires a unique ministry approach.
Richard and Leona Bergrstom
Helping Older Adults Mature Their Faith
Change comes through an effective practice of loving, challenging, and encouraging.
Amy Hanson
Mid-Course Correction
Understand the motivating factors behind how older adults ponder life change.
Fred Smith
Create a Serving Environment (free sample)
Be a church where service is expected, honored, and rewarded.
Amy Hanson
Clash of Generations
When the church leaders are younger than the boomers, tensions can be high.
David Swanson
Equipping the Caregivers
Boomers need help in having the talk with their aging parents.
Pete Menconi
Ministry with Grandparents
Help bridge the generations and leave a lasting spiritual legacy.
Amy Hanson
The Wise Counsel of Elders
Mentors and advisers can speak truth and love into the lives of younger people.
Fred Smith
This 11-page resource is designed to help you minister more effectively to a generation whose needs are rapidly changing.
Table of Contents:
Avoiding the Seniors Ministry Syndrome
Baby boomers are a unique generation that requires a unique ministry approach.
Richard and Leona Bergrstom
Helping Older Adults Mature Their Faith
Change comes through an effective practice of loving, challenging, and encouraging.
Amy Hanson
Mid-Course Correction
Understand the motivating factors behind how older adults ponder life change.
Fred Smith
Create a Serving Environment (free sample)
Be a church where service is expected, honored, and rewarded.
Amy Hanson
Clash of Generations
When the church leaders are younger than the boomers, tensions can be high.
David Swanson
Equipping the Caregivers
Boomers need help in having the talk with their aging parents.
Pete Menconi
Ministry with Grandparents
Help bridge the generations and leave a lasting spiritual legacy.
Amy Hanson
The Wise Counsel of Elders
Mentors and advisers can speak truth and love into the lives of younger people.
Fred Smith
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