How to Grow a Church



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So, you want your church to grow? Most church leaders do, but it's dangerous to focus too much on numbers and the comparisons between other churches.

These nine articles from Leadership journal help your church to assess your health, motives, and priorities first. You'll find examples of a church climate that leads to physical and spiritual growth. And you'll get tips for creating an environment where evangelism flourishes.

Table of Contents:

Bullish on Evangelism
Investing in outreach can pay off, even when market conditions aren?t favorable. But you need a strategy.
Calvin C. Ratz

You Can't Believe Everything You Hear About Church Growth
Shattering these nine myths will help you be realistic about your ministry.
Lyle E. Schaller

Making Ministry Healthy
It is possible for an unhealthy pastor to lead a growing church, but it takes a healthy pastor to lead a healthy church.
Rick Warren

Thrifty Visibility
These practical ideas may jumpstart your church growth.
Leadership journal

Climate Control: Conditions of a Growing Church
Even if we can't change the weather, we can alter the atmosphere of the church.
Donald Gerig

"It's Just Not Working"
Frustrated by his ineffectiveness, this pastor did something--he admitted the truth--the first step toward change.
Bill Hull

Hope in a No-Growth Town
Church growth is possible in a dying town.
C. L. Yarborough

Will the Circle Be Broken?
By expanding our circle, we will be able to grow.
Lyle Schaller

Growing Pains
Church growth always demands social growth?especially for the pastor.
Calvin Miller

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