How to Teach Stewardship



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Budget concerns at church? Would developing spiritual maturity within your congregation help increase giving? Want to give clear, biblical teaching about what the Bible says on giving?

These seven articles from Leadership journal provide you with practical ideas on how to preach and teach on stewardship. You'll learn how to develop a church-wide stewardship development strategy, how a building campaign affects your teaching on stewardship, and how to prepare people for a sermon on giving.

Table of Contents:

Preaching to Our Need to Give
Surprise! People are eager to hear about joyful giving, if you approach it in the right way.
Bob Russell

12 Ways to Grow Givers
Practical tools for deepening people's love for supporting God's work.
Jay Pankratz

Raising Faith Before Money
How a purpose-driven church develops consistently generous givers.
Forrest Reinhardt

The Soul and Pocketbook of Ministry
You can't serve both God and money, said Jesus. But pastors know you can't lead a church without both. How four pastors use one (money) to serve the Other.
A Leadership forum

Is Your Church Fiscally Fit?
10 ways to assess your financial strength.
James D. Berkley

Winsome Ways of Preaching Stewardship
What to say--and what not--in talking to people about money.
Haddon Robinson

A Policy for Fundraising Activities
Keep stewardship on course by putting controls on money drains.
Leith Anderson

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