Outreach to Young Adults



$ 14.99
How well do you understand the mentality of people outside your church between 18 and 34 years old? What do they assume, what are they looking for, and how do they communicate?

This 21-page training pack includes nine articles?from the likes of Ed Stetzer and Scot McKnight?that shed some light on how to reach today's young adults. Rid yourself of misconceptions and find some helpful ideas.

Table of Contents:

Seeking the iGens
A sense of self looms large for the emerging generation.
by Scot McKnight

Postmodern Spirituality
Lessons learned in evangelism and Christianity while serving a cynical generation.
by Brett Lawrence

The Myth of the Average Millennial
Don?t rely on statistics and stereotypes to reach this generation.
by Kyle Rohane

Give Them Jesus!
The iGen's deep respect for Jesus provides a natural starting point for sharing the gospel.
by Scot McKnight

Bridging the Generational Gap
The fast-changing culture and skepticism of young adults requires a different approach to evangelism.
an interview with T.V. Thomas

Connector Churches (free sample)
These nine traits characterize churches that reach young adults.
by Ed Stetzer

The Young and the Repentant
Help young adults see repentance as a positive invitation.
by Dan Kimball

The Justice Generation
Young people are drawn to injustices, and this is an opportunity for life-shaping discipleship.
by Bethany Hoang

Celtic-Style Evangelism
Saint Patrick modeled a style of evangelism that is especially useful in our time.
by Jim Henderson

$ 14.99

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