Running an Event



$ 14.99
Planning and organization are necessary when preparing for anything, but when you're the flagship leading a fleet of volunteers, the pressure to plan well is on! This download is expressly designed to help you plan, organize, and manage a big event. You may use it in a group planning session or share the articles with the individuals responsible for organizing any large-scale undertaking.

Table of Contents:

Things to Remember When Planning Big Events
Big church events aren't all planning; they're spiritual endeavors.
Lee Eclov

Any Volunteers?
Insight from volunteer coordinators on event planning.
Bethany Erickson

How to Motivate Volunteers
This veteran's advice may surprise you.
Sue Mallory

Getting the Word Out
Creating enthusiasm about your event happens both inside and outside the church walls.
Lee Dean

Managing the Event
What your role looks like when the event you've planned for finally arrives.
Calvie Hughson

Event Planning Packet

Celebration Evaluation

$ 14.99

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