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Start a Fundraising Campaign
Most churches have a fundraising campaign at some point in their ministry--to build or remodel, to hire new staff, or to develop new programs. Often, though, asking for money is the leader's least favorite part of the job.
These articles from Leadership journal help you know when your church and congregation are ready for a campaign and when to ask for money. You'll learn tips for calling people to faithfulness and cultivating the gift of giving. There's also practical checklists for determining whether a consultant is necessary versus doing it yourself.
Table of Contents:
How to Feel Good About Your Stewardship Campaign
Asking church members to give money is not fundamentally different from making an altar call or encouraging a parishioner to read the Bible.
Ben Patterson
God, Money, and the Pastor
Ben Patterson
Developing Generous Givers
Money flows to the right causes.
Wayne Pohl
Getting the Pros, Not the Con
A guide to getting the most for your money.
Kevin A. Miller
Raising the Money Yourself
Follow these helpful suggestions.
Marvin G. Rickard
Ministry to Deep-Pocket Donors
Just as people with the gifts of mercy, music, or leadership need cultivation and sometimes a challenge, so do those with the gift of giving.
Wayne Pohl
The Moneywise Pastor
Whether we like it or not, the better we fulfill the fundraising part of our job, the more effective our ministries.
Gary Fenton
'Flamingoed' for Missions
Get creative when raising funds.
Kevin Eckstrom
A Fun-Raiser
Fundraising doesn't have to be a chore.
the editors of LEADERSHIP
These articles from Leadership journal help you know when your church and congregation are ready for a campaign and when to ask for money. You'll learn tips for calling people to faithfulness and cultivating the gift of giving. There's also practical checklists for determining whether a consultant is necessary versus doing it yourself.
Table of Contents:
How to Feel Good About Your Stewardship Campaign
Asking church members to give money is not fundamentally different from making an altar call or encouraging a parishioner to read the Bible.
Ben Patterson
God, Money, and the Pastor
Ben Patterson
Developing Generous Givers
Money flows to the right causes.
Wayne Pohl
Getting the Pros, Not the Con
A guide to getting the most for your money.
Kevin A. Miller
Raising the Money Yourself
Follow these helpful suggestions.
Marvin G. Rickard
Ministry to Deep-Pocket Donors
Just as people with the gifts of mercy, music, or leadership need cultivation and sometimes a challenge, so do those with the gift of giving.
Wayne Pohl
The Moneywise Pastor
Whether we like it or not, the better we fulfill the fundraising part of our job, the more effective our ministries.
Gary Fenton
'Flamingoed' for Missions
Get creative when raising funds.
Kevin Eckstrom
A Fun-Raiser
Fundraising doesn't have to be a chore.
the editors of LEADERSHIP
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