Becoming a Missional Church



$ 7.99
Is your church looking to get back to the root of what it means to be a church, to be in the world, doing God's work? If so, this guide will help you understand exactly what being a missional church looks like, how to make it happen, and how to make it work.
How does a church become missional? And for leaders, is moving a consumer church to become missional a mission: impossible?

Table of Contents:

Missional: Possible
How to help your church look upward, inward, and outward.
Chad Hall

Rediscovering an Old Calling
How families and churches are relearning the meaning of mission.
Eric Reed

Renewing the Church's Mission
How one church moved toward missional values, and how it changed along the way.
Charles Roesel

Moving in a New Direction
What happened when one church redefined itself around mission.
Wade Hodges with Greg Taylor

The Missional Leader
How does a leader prepare a church to look outside itself?
Chad Hall

How to Be a Good Church
Many churches are redefining themselves around significance, not success.
Eric Swanson

$ 7.99

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