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Starting a House Church
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In recent decades, Christianity as a movement has been sweeping through much of the non-Westernized portions of the globe?especially in places like China, Africa, and South America, says Sam O'Neal in the introduction to this resource. "And the main vehicle for this rapid and exponential expansion has been the house church."
Church leaders in America are growing increasingly interested in the house church, a model that has many strengths. But it's also a model that is little understood. In fact, says O'Neal, "the majority of American house churches do not remain in existence for more than a year."
The articles in this 32-page resource can help you better understand how a house church works and how to sustain its ministry for the good of the Kingdom.
Table of Contents:
How to Use This Resource
Take a quick peek here to maximize the content in this training download.
Sam O'Neal
House Churches in North America (free sample)
A broad look at the simple church movement.
Bill Tenney-Brittian
Finding the Right Vision and the Right People
Important steps in the formation of a house church.
Trevor Lee
Your First Gathering as a House Church
An accessible house, good food, and friendly people are parts of a great plan for launch.
Lee Dean
How to Have a Participatory Church Meeting
Six guidelines that should frame our gatherings today.
Rusty Entrekin
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Simple Churches
The key practices that converge in a healthy body of believers.
Don Graves and Ron King
Helpful Hints for Hosting the Lord's Supper
Use these practical guidelines to keep things running smoothly.
Sandra Atkerson
Overcoming Obstacles
A candid look at the challenges most house churches face.
Danny R. Von Kanel
Take Advantage of House-Church Networks
Tap into local, regional, and national networks to help get your house church thrive.
Lee Dean
Why House Churches Need Accountability
Vital practices that can maintain healthy house churches and networks.
Bill Tenney-Brittian
Addressing the Threat of Heresy
What are we actually afraid of, and what can be done about it?
Neil Cole
Church leaders in America are growing increasingly interested in the house church, a model that has many strengths. But it's also a model that is little understood. In fact, says O'Neal, "the majority of American house churches do not remain in existence for more than a year."
The articles in this 32-page resource can help you better understand how a house church works and how to sustain its ministry for the good of the Kingdom.
Table of Contents:
How to Use This Resource
Take a quick peek here to maximize the content in this training download.
Sam O'Neal
House Churches in North America (free sample)
A broad look at the simple church movement.
Bill Tenney-Brittian
Finding the Right Vision and the Right People
Important steps in the formation of a house church.
Trevor Lee
Your First Gathering as a House Church
An accessible house, good food, and friendly people are parts of a great plan for launch.
Lee Dean
How to Have a Participatory Church Meeting
Six guidelines that should frame our gatherings today.
Rusty Entrekin
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Simple Churches
The key practices that converge in a healthy body of believers.
Don Graves and Ron King
Helpful Hints for Hosting the Lord's Supper
Use these practical guidelines to keep things running smoothly.
Sandra Atkerson
Overcoming Obstacles
A candid look at the challenges most house churches face.
Danny R. Von Kanel
Take Advantage of House-Church Networks
Tap into local, regional, and national networks to help get your house church thrive.
Lee Dean
Why House Churches Need Accountability
Vital practices that can maintain healthy house churches and networks.
Bill Tenney-Brittian
Addressing the Threat of Heresy
What are we actually afraid of, and what can be done about it?
Neil Cole
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