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Starting a New Church
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God sometimes calls his people to build his kingdom by starting new churches, just as he did with the early apostles. It's a tough ministry, but integral to reaching new people. These handouts stress the importance of building a core leadership team before introducing your church to the masses. You'll also find tips for what to do first, learn about common obstacles that often lead to failure, and get a checklist for evaluating a new facility.
Table of Contents:
Doing God's Work
If we work for God, he will provide us with power to achieve.
Randal Pelton and Craig Brian Larson
Clear Vision, Committed Leaders
Put the right people on the right jobs to help your new church flourish.
with Mark Platt
Evaluate the Facility
Answer these practical questions to make sure the details are covered.
Mark Driscoll
Rate Your Potential Leaders
Look for these qualities when putting together your corps of new church leaders.
Charles Ridley and Jose Hernandez
Settling Differences
A split between two influential families threatens to disintegrate a new church.
Steve Larson
Who to Empower
Develop the right kind of person to join the inner circle of leadership.
Mark Driscoll
Build Your Worship Team
Find and develop the right musicians and singers to fit your church's worship style.
Randy Rowland
Why Church Plants Fail
These are the most common obstacles facing your new church.
Jim Griffith and Don Nations
How to Start a Ministry
Build your new church from these solid foundational principles.
Don Cousins
Ready to Risk?
Starting a new church is never a sure thing. How ready are you to walk onto that limb?
Lee A. Dean
Table of Contents:
Doing God's Work
If we work for God, he will provide us with power to achieve.
Randal Pelton and Craig Brian Larson
Clear Vision, Committed Leaders
Put the right people on the right jobs to help your new church flourish.
with Mark Platt
Evaluate the Facility
Answer these practical questions to make sure the details are covered.
Mark Driscoll
Rate Your Potential Leaders
Look for these qualities when putting together your corps of new church leaders.
Charles Ridley and Jose Hernandez
Settling Differences
A split between two influential families threatens to disintegrate a new church.
Steve Larson
Who to Empower
Develop the right kind of person to join the inner circle of leadership.
Mark Driscoll
Build Your Worship Team
Find and develop the right musicians and singers to fit your church's worship style.
Randy Rowland
Why Church Plants Fail
These are the most common obstacles facing your new church.
Jim Griffith and Don Nations
How to Start a Ministry
Build your new church from these solid foundational principles.
Don Cousins
Ready to Risk?
Starting a new church is never a sure thing. How ready are you to walk onto that limb?
Lee A. Dean
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